Teddy Rug

from €1,588.00

A beautiful example of skilled craftsmanship, each thread of this rug is meticulously handwoven by talented artisans using premium wool.

All rugs are made in a 100% child-labour free environment. There is a 2 week lead time on all rugs.

Please email niamh@nddesign.ie for a shipping quote.

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A beautiful example of skilled craftsmanship, each thread of this rug is meticulously handwoven by talented artisans using premium wool.

All rugs are made in a 100% child-labour free environment. There is a 2 week lead time on all rugs.

Please email niamh@nddesign.ie for a shipping quote.

A beautiful example of skilled craftsmanship, each thread of this rug is meticulously handwoven by talented artisans using premium wool.

All rugs are made in a 100% child-labour free environment. There is a 2 week lead time on all rugs.

Please email niamh@nddesign.ie for a shipping quote.